E-BOOK: PM for succcess in research. The PM-Cube

The PM-CUBE: a guide for Professors, Postdocs, PhD Candidates, Master students

By Carine Galli Marxer, first edition 2019
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Paperback version 28 CHF

CHF 9.99

The PM-CUBE: a guide for Professors, Postdocs, PhD Candidates, Master students

Invaluable for researchers of any field, the Project Management-Cube (PM-Cube) is a practical tool that will enable you to successfully manage the complexity of your projects and to deliver high-quality results.

Written for professors, scientists, postdocs, PhD candidates and master students, as well as anyone else, the PM-Cube will allow you to:

  • plan your work while maintaining flexibility
  • write convincing research proposals
  • lead performing teams
  • communicate and supervise effectively
  • find innovative solutions
  • control the course of projects
  • work in a more relaxed manner

All steps of the PM-Cube are embedded in the story of a PhD candidate that was facing difficulties due to the exploratory character of her project. Applying the project management methods enables her to tackle them and to regain the joy of doing research.

Unit price E-book:      9.99 US$ (ca. 9 EUR)
ISBN E-book 978-3-9525131-2-5: Kindle
ISBN E-book 978-3-9525131-9-4: purchase options for Kobo, Apple Books, Barnes&Noble, etc.

Also paperback edition here.


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ISBN E-book

978-3-9525131-2-5 Kindle distribution
978-3-9525131-9-4 Worldwide distribution (Apple Book, Kobo, Barnes&Noble, etc)

Unit price E-book
